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Welcome to The Go To Hell Space

Published on May 8, 2020

Well, it finally happened. The novel coronavirus pandemic turned the world inside out, I lost my job, and I've been inside for almost two months straight, so I am starting a blog. To kick things off, I'll start by handling some obvious questions:

Q. Why is this blog called The Go To Hell Space?

A. A few years ago (the last time I was unemployed), I bought the domain "gotohell.space" because I thought it sounded funny. Then the other day I got excited by the idea of starting a blog, and I was like... well I already have this? And it sounded like a pretty good blog name. So the short answer is I don't know.

Q. Why are there so many posts here already and why do they seem to be written from the past?

A. I had a blog over on my website, eganworks.com, which functions as my portfolio (I'm a video editor). Recently I have been updating my website and my reel (remember how I lost my job?), and I realized hey maybe a blog doesn't belong here. So when I decided to break it off into its own thing, I didn't want to lose everything I'd already written, so I brought it all over. It's old and probably a little embarrassing! But that's kind of why I made this as a separate thing from my Professional Internet Presence: to be a little embarrassing.

Q. What kind of posts can I expect to read here?

A. It will definitely be an eclectic mix! But you can expect healthy doses of video games, technology, New York Thoughts™, pandemic themes, and socialism.

Q. Do I have to care about this if I know you?

A. I am more than happy to write to the void.

Alright cool, that takes care of the big stuff. Take a look around, read a little bit, subscribe in your favorite RSS reader (Feedly and Feedbin are good), and let me know how you're doing.

We're gonna get through this. I'm gonna write about how necessary and restorative our weekly pizza nights are now. We're all gonna play Animal Crossing and check out sometimes.

Happy Friday, I hope you wanted something to read.

- Mike