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Welcome to Dream Avenue

Published on Sep 26, 2021

Hello there! It's been some time. Or maybe it's been no time at all. Time moves differently here on Dream Avenue.

You may remember this place under its previous name, The Go To Hell Space. That was a fun time, and a fun blog, but all things must eventually change.

Or maybe you don't remember this at all, and know me only as a video guy. Well:

I started blogging here during the initial 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. I wrote about anything that suited my fancy, from pizza to weather to Formula 1, and also - largely - video games.

Fun, spooky premises aside, it really has been a while since I last blogged here. My life has gotten both calmer and busier in 2021. I've been sinking into a nice little routine, and even getting some work here and there.

Recently, I started thinking about this blog again, and I decided that while I mostly liked what it was, it was time for a change. Here's why.

Blogging through lockdown taught me that I still really enjoy writing as much as I did in college, and while I may not ever write professionally, or have my work published anywhere of note, or even want any of that, there's still something here for me. It's a skill I'd like to continue to hone.

Furthermore, ever since I graduated college, a frighteningly long time ago, I've wanted to try and get better at something I consume constantly and really respect: media criticism.

I've always wanted to be able to quickly and cleanly organize my thoughts on a piece of media, and pull upon my academic background in order to ultimately have Something To Say about the games I play and movies I watch.

I'm also a video editor by trade, and I've been wanting to break into the world of video essays for a while now. This blog dovetails nicely with that, in that video essays are really just written essays that give you something to look at while listening. Writing more here will help me hone two skills at once.

However! Dream Avenue will not only be a space for video game writing and other media criticism and analysis. I also want to keep some of what made the previous iterations of this blog special. This is still my personal blog, after all, and if I want to write about pizza or the weather or whatever brand-spanking-new virus variant is wiping us all out, I'm going to do that.

So, to make a long story short, Dream Avenue is a fresh coat of paint on an old friend. It's the same old blog it used to be, just standing a little taller. And it's also a promise to myself, to try and keep improving some of the skills I'd like to be able to call upon to make better and better things.

I hope that sounds fun to you! And if not, who knows? You may be surprised.

If you're curious, you can learn a little more about where the name 'Dream Avenue' comes from and why I chose it on the new About page.

See you around the Avenue,
